
Welcome to our ordering page.

We have upgraded our systems to try and make life easier for you.

we now have a number of ways to order products from us as quickly and easily as possible to ensure you get the fastest service possible.



Click on the number below to be taken to the relevant page,


01 In person.
feel free to drop in and have a chat and place your order.


02By telephone.
Contact Steve or Sue direct at the office.


03 Download an order form.
And either fax it post it or email it back to us.


04 Online via this website.
For those of you on the go. Try our paperless ordering


Quality Standards


Fresh producedaily

We pride ourselves on only suppling top quality produce.

bTemperature controlled enviroment

All our produce is temperature controlled from the start to ensure the freshest quality.


Fast freedelivery

Temperature controlled delivery vans operate daily within a 30 mile radius, outside this radius please contact us for details.